Tim Durtschi Freeski papercraft, inspired by his part in Everyday is a Saturday, including his tree jib feature, buttery skis, and hand-draggy arms!
Can be built both glueless or with glue! But don’t glue him onto the skis, he can step in and out of the bindings, so you can mix and match later.
Click here to download PDF:
If you’d like to see more, have some feedback, or have a request for another scene from a movie/ series, let me know!
Instructions to make the tree feature:
1: Cut out the red from the tree parts, as shown. Then, fold and glue them along the dotted line. Or, fold and glue them first, and then cut them out.
You can’t stick these together if you’re going glueless, so just cut along the dotted lines, and then you have twice the features, but single sided.
2: Stick the tree trunks together in whatever variation you prefer, or print more to have heaps of features at once.